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Welcome to Øvrevoll Racecourse.

Øvrevoll Racecourse is located at the head of the Oslo Fjord, just a 10-15 minutes drive west of Oslo City center. Øvrevoll is the only racecourse in Norway and has both turf track and a sand/dirtttrack.


Øvrevoll Racecourse was officially opened in 1932 by King Haakon VII and Queen Maud. The racecourse is situated in the countryside on the outskirts of Oslo. Jar in Bærum is now a popular residential district, but the racecourse surroundings are still idyllic.


The racing season starts in the middle of April and ends in November.

Please click here for fixtures.

The dirttrack is about seven furlongs long, and is used for training all year. All of the races in the fall are run on the sand as it has much needed floodlights.

The turf track at Øvrevoll is approx. one mile two furlongs round, and is about 15 meters wide. Most of the major races are held on the turf track. The first race on the turf is traditionally held on May 17th. and the last in October due to frost and early sunsets.


The turf track is also used for hurdle races, movable plastic hurdles are put out on the track for these races.


Øvrevoll has a grandstand with a restaurant right by the winning post, while the Sherryhaugen Cafè has the best view of the paddock. The track also opened a brand new hospitality room above the weighing room in 2016.


Norway's Constitution Day, May 17th. has been celebrated on the racetrack every year since 2001. Our guests enjoy spending the afternoon at Øvrevoll. It is a fun fair, pony rides and a chance to go on the horse and carriage for the children. Friends and families can enjoy a good meal and drinks in the afternoon sun while entertained by horseracing.


The biggest event of the year is the Derby Day, which is always held on a Sunday in the end of August. In addition to the Derby, the day includes the Group 3 race Marit Sveaas Memorial as the most valuable race of the year with 700.000 Norwegian Kroner to the winning owner, as well as the Listed Polar Cup.


This day people are dressed up in their finest and hats, and it is always a big crowd. The legendary hat parade attracts many of the visitors on this day. The children can enjoy a fun fair and a rides on the ponies. There are a lot of different options for both food and drinks.


Bus number 140 takes you from Skøyen directly to the racecourse. If you prefer the Subway, the number is 2 towards Østerås, and you want to get off the train at Eiksmarka Station. It is approx a 10 minutes walk from the station. You will find a map here.


For trainers thinking of entering horses to Our races, please contact Liv Kristiansen


Fixtures and racecard, please click here


The Norwegian Stud Book is now Online (NSB Online) Please click here



Derbyfeltet 2018_svingen.jpg
Above, the field of the Norwegian Derby 2018.
Below, they are off! 1939 at Øvrevoll.
Øvrevoll Galoppbane, opplevelser, hester, gambling, norsk tipping, gallopp, matopplevelse, sport, bærum, jockey

Norsk Galopp
Øvrevoll Galoppbane


Johanna Tverfjell

Salgs og eventsjef / Head of commercial & event

Tlf +47 411 64 601   Email


Liv Kristiansen

Sportssjef / Information racing in Norway

Telefon: +47 22 95 62 18   



Bente Rosenberg

Administrerende direktør / CEO 

Mobil: +47 419 18 803 



Marianne Ek

Stamboksjef /  Studbook Administrator

Mobil: +47 922 44 249  



Nina Agnete Kambestad

Markedssjef / Marketing director (permisjon)​

Tlf +47 45 10 33 15 Email


Adresse &

Norsk Galopp

Øvrevoll Galoppbane

Vollsveien 132

1358 Jar


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